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Healing Your Teeth & Mouth Workshop$97



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Healing Your Teeth
& Mouth Workshop

  • Total payment
  • 1xHealing Your Teeth & Mouth Workshop$97

All prices in USD

We will address

  • All parts of the tooth, as well as genetics, your energy system, microbes, and the organs related to each tooth. 
  • We’ll also address your muscular-skeletal system, especially in relation to your jaw joints (TMJ). 
  • What we do can bring balance to your mouth and jaw which can lead to pain relief. 
  •  It can also balance the energies which could produce potential problems.

What others have said

I have been drawn to Encodement work for several years now because it is so empowering for me. I can take responsibility for everything I create in my life and endeavor to heal it with the assistance of my Encodement Technicians/Team.

- Cleo M New Jersey USA

Dr. Cathy is one of the clearest channels of Spiritual healing energy that I know and has a passion for making it available and affordable to everyone who is searching for their True Self within. Kate B Ontairo Canad
